This week I’ve got some great links about SEO, Twitter, and marketing. I save and send out a lot of links during the week and I like going back through them and explaining why I think they are important. Hopefully you’ll find these useful and, if so, share this with a few people, I’d appreciate it!
10 Must Track Google Analytics Goals
I’ve been reading a lot more about web analytics these days and realizing the power it has in optimizing your website. Getting a website up and running is just the first baby-step towards actually being on the web and finding customers and clients. This ties into my concept of web strategy. Just getting out there is a great start but having a website without understanding how it’s working for you is just shooting from the hip. Having a benchmark and collecting data to understand how people are using your site is critical for every business owner.
10 Steps to Advanced Keyword Research [gone]
Oh no, more SEO! Yeah, more SEO.
A big part of getting your site visible and getting people to come from search engines is picking a set of keywords that can perform. I’ve written about the basics of keyword research and even gotten a little philosophical about this keyword thing but this link from SEOMoz goes really in-depth. You might start scanning this article and thing “whoa… this is way over my head” but I would urge you to understand what they’re talking about. People treat picking keywords like it’s just a shot in the dark or just something to get out of the way but it’s hugely important. Improving your search engine rank is the same as moving your store front from behind the mall to the boardwalk. More eyes, more ears, and more mouse pointers means more conversions. The better site owners understand their own SEO, the easier it will be for them to exercise their business knowledge on the web.
15 sites web developers and designers should know [gone]
Not everybody out there is going to need this but even if you’re not a designer/developer, there are some great tools on here to help you understand the process. First, try ColorCombos to get a sense of what colors work together and give you a few ideas for that redesign. Lipsum is where that crazy Latin text comes from on sites that aren’t finished… try sending a big block to your significant other and asking “so what’s your answer?” at the end. What the Font can identify fonts from images, a great resource if you need to recreate a logo or graphic but aren’t sure what fonts were used. Also, try Test Everything to see how your website is performing.
Twitter links
IE6 must die for the web to move on: The title says it all: Internet Explorer version 6 is really holding the web back. If you’re using Internet Explorer to view this page, go to Help > About and if the version number is anything less than 7, please upgrade.
Everything You Need to Know About Twitter You Learned from Grandma [gone]: Great post on how to use Twitter. It’s totally true: plain old-fashioned courtesy and respect go a long way both in person and online. Who knew?!?!
9 Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old’s Lemonade Stand [gone]: Really well executed and thought-provoking past on how to approach your marketing.
H&FJ Fonts for Financials [gone]: I love REALLY technical posts about design, I’m not sure why. This is a nice long article about the types of fonts that should be used in financial documents… how specific can you get? Sexy fonts too…
Data on Social Media Use [gone]: I just found this interesting… quick 30 second read.
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Jul 31, 2009
I am an FFK... nice to meet you
FFK stands for Former Fat Kid. If you were fat in a previous life and have certain tendencies that make it tough to maintain weight loss then you’re an FFK.

Jul 23, 2009
Searches on Delicious are more powerful than you think
I talk about a lot because I’ve found it very critical for my own web strategy and organization. Saving links is incredibly easy and I LOVE being able to share categories of links with people.