Marketing 14
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Feb 15, 2012
How to be a better self-promoter in the creative industry
I was having coffee at a local coffee shop recently and came across one of the worse examples of in-person self-promotion I’ve seen in a while. I wanted to share the experience so you know where this kind of thing can go wrong.
Jun 28, 2011
Creating effective email marketing campaigns
A presentation on creating great email marketing campaigns along with links to other resources.
Mar 15, 2011
Web Literacy for Business Owners
This is a pool of topics that I consider essential for business owners to understand, the collection of which define basic web literacy for business owners.

Nov 19, 2009
Traditional networking is dead
I think I’ve found my calling: exchanging ideas and talking them through. What’s that pay nowadays?
Jul 24, 2009
9 Great Web Strategy Links for July 24th 2009
This week I’ve got some great links about SEO, Twitter, and marketing. I save and send out a lot of links during the week and I like going back through them and explaining why I think they are important.

Jun 12, 2009
How I explained WTF Twitter is to my Dad
My dad and I have been working on a plan for a website to promote his business valuation report for a few months now. The site that inevitably came up that was Twitter.
Jun 04, 2009
3 MORE Important Questions to Ask Before Sending Company Email Marketing
On Monday, I posted 3 questions to ask before sending your email campaign. Today, I’m going to finish up this thought with three more questions.
Nov 04, 2008
Spam: what is it? what does it do? why am I sending it? who cares?
I had an interesting conversation with a colleague recently about what constitutes spam email and how we could go about avoiding it.
Oct 20, 2008
What to do with great ideas (part 1)
Sep 11, 2008
HTML emails: the last word (until everything changes again)
Here is everything I know about creating HTML emails. This is the most boring and most useful post I’ve ever created by far.
Sep 09, 2008
I learned something today
Sometimes there is an easy way, sometimes there’s just an easIER way, and sometimes there’s just hard ways.

Apr 12, 2008
New Business Card Design
Layer-by-layer, inch-by-inch. The message is more effective as a snowball, building momentum and speed and power and influence over time, than as one massive onslaught. A better presence is made by just that: presence.