Design 31
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Jun 12, 2015
Lessons Learned in Agency
I've been doing agency development and design work for almost a decade, and customer service for almost 2. But I learned a lot when the tables were turned.

Apr 29, 2014
Connecting Strategy to Tactics
Like a lot of people, I have many, many ideas going on at once and many, many tasks that need my time and attention, both of which are in short supply. Where do I start? What do I do? Where is my direction?
Jan 10, 2012
Working with a web designer: help us help you
This post is about helping me help you to come up with the best design we possibly can.
Mar 15, 2011
Web Literacy for Business Owners
This is a pool of topics that I consider essential for business owners to understand, the collection of which define basic web literacy for business owners.
Jan 13, 2011
Thoughts on web design and development pricing

Oct 27, 2009
Do it, then do it better: an iterative mindset
Though I haven’t eliminated repetition from my professional life entirely, I’m aware of something very different at work. Creating websites from scratch can be tedious but it has taught me something critical about iteration.

Sep 30, 2009
New custom WordPress theme and structure at JoshCanHelp
I finally made the time to finish my site’s re-design and re-build. Part of me thought this would be a minor remodel with a new WordPress theme but, in the end, I re-did all of my page content and changed my whole organization.
Jul 31, 2009
Web strategy and resources links for July 31st
Jul 24, 2009
9 Great Web Strategy Links for July 24th 2009
This week I’ve got some great links about SEO, Twitter, and marketing. I save and send out a lot of links during the week and I like going back through them and explaining why I think they are important.
Jul 17, 2009
Web strategy links and Resources for July 17th
These are links that I’ve saved on Delicious or sent over Twitter since last Friday that you might find useful.

Jul 10, 2009
Trying to learn Photoshop? Here's what to concentrate on
With all the tutorial sites out there these days, the problem isn’t finding something to learn, it’s figuring out which skill to concentrate on.

Apr 30, 2009
Pleased To Announce a New Client Website Launched: EMASPro.com
I’m very excited to announce the culmination of a lot of planning, design, and coding. The site emaspro.com went live on Monday night without any major fiascoes, issues, meltdowns, or problems.
Mar 26, 2009
"What is expected of a designer" on LinkedIn
I think a designer should be expected to think about the whole project: the medium, the message, the format, the audience, the technology, and the client. The closer the pieces of the project are to the design, the more they should know.
Mar 02, 2009
Path forward: How Josh Can Help Plans and Approaches Building a New Web Site from Scratch
When I create a website, I have a plan but it might be good to share this with everyone who is curious about what goes into building a web site from scratch.
Oct 27, 2008
A beautiful day, a piece of pressboard, some Montana Gold, and an illustration
I finally got around to throwing up some paint in my graffiti class. It had been a while since I last held a can and, because the last go-around was so disappointing, I was afraid it might happen again.
Oct 03, 2008
Fresh cards from Fresh Impressions in Florida
Aug 28, 2008
One component of Josh Can Help's website philosophy - Understanding
One of the most challenging and interesting parts of what I do is bridging the gap between potentially confusing technology and people who are far removed from how it works.
Aug 23, 2008
Josh Can Help updates...
I meant to use this blog as a place to update information about my business and maybe some relevant personal stuff but I’m so boring that all I write about is work and coding!

Aug 15, 2008
Building a homepage from a blog: Part 2: Finalizing the design and planning out mark-up and CSS structure.
After weeks of stressing out in Illustrator, I finally decided on a design I like.

Aug 07, 2008
Building a homepage from a blog: Part 1: Conceptualization and Planning
When I’m complete, joshcanhelp.com will point to a home page on this blog, directing people to information about me and what I do.

Aug 04, 2008
Graffiti art evolution: from drawing to painting to vector; moving your art into a new market
If you paint pictures, you can design shirts. If you draw cartoons, you can easily translate that to digital images for web sites or blogs. Find the niche, spread the word, and extent your influence.

Jul 29, 2008
Random design inspiration post #1 - Currency
Pull a bill out and look at it really close. The detail is impressive and the layout is very interesting, particularly because it has a lot of limitations/requirements.
Jul 23, 2008
6 steps to easy typography in any document
This small primer serves as either an introduction to typography or all the information you’ll ever need to know as a non-designer.

Jul 18, 2008
New new business card design: the process + feedback
I also need a business card and have not been giving this important piece of a business that relies on word-of-mouth enough attention.

Apr 12, 2008
New Business Card Design
Layer-by-layer, inch-by-inch. The message is more effective as a snowball, building momentum and speed and power and influence over time, than as one massive onslaught. A better presence is made by just that: presence.