SEO 15
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Oct 18, 2011
Great Content Is Like a Produce Stand in Paris
You're just another blog out there but with a little creativity and some care for the people coming through, you can be just what someone needs at just the right time.
Apr 12, 2011
Choosing Keyword Phrases for Content Pages
A step-by-step guide on how to choose the right keywords for your site content.
Mar 15, 2011
Web Literacy for Business Owners
This is a pool of topics that I consider essential for business owners to understand, the collection of which define basic web literacy for business owners.
Nov 30, 2010
Simple introduction to incoming links
The incoming link concept is one of those things that is hard to get your head around but one of the key concepts of having an maintaining a healthy website.
Aug 13, 2009
Google Analytics Basics
Knowing what pages are the most popular, what keywords people are using to find you, and where people are going paint a picture about your customers.
Jul 24, 2009
9 Great Web Strategy Links for July 24th 2009
This week I’ve got some great links about SEO, Twitter, and marketing. I save and send out a lot of links during the week and I like going back through them and explaining why I think they are important.
Feb 05, 2009
Website page titles - how to pick one and what they are for
Sometimes it’s the things you don’t see that make the biggest difference.