I just recently gave an hour long talk on email marketing titled “6 Questions to Ask Before Sending an Email Campaign.” This was based on two blog posts I made recently. The posts actually came from the presentation preparation so I got to hype them a bit during the talk. I thought I’d toot my own horn a bit and post the feedback that I got.
I felt good about it because I felt like I had everyone’s attention. I really wanted to add some value to these folks and introduce them to a few things they had never seen or heard about. I was speaking to college admissions professionals which, for the most part, are expected to be jacks of all trades. Great questions were thrown out there and I was pulled aside a few times before and after by audience members which means I sparked something.
Anyways, the proof is in the pudding:
And the comments:
- This was excellent! Lots of great ideas, very concise information.
- Wow! Lots of great info (and thank you for so many outside sources that we can check out later)! I have a lot to learn.
- Great information, clearly communicated. Josh did a great job.
- Even after [bulk emailing software] webinar a lot of useful information and good resources. Informative but humorous- great job!
- Very useful for thinking about ways to make email marketing fit your needs for different purposes and how to best customize.
- A lot of good ideas.
- Would have been nice to see examples of good emails vs. ones that get spammed, landing pages that work with emails (live).
- This is so great! I’ve got tons of new ideas for our campaigns.
- Good as an overall look at email marketing, but would’ve been nice to be a little more [product] specific.
- Interesting content. Presented well. Could have been enhanced by including examples of the six questions (i.e. Good and bad examples).
- Great presenters, good info.
- Updated/learned good information.
I provided a hand-out that summarized what I covered during the presentation which is basically a summary of my two blog posts. Feel free to download it and spread it around!
Download: “6 Questions to Ask Before Sending an Email Campaign Piece”
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