Email 13
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Nov 16, 2016
Digital Detox
Before this, I wasn’t just losing time, I was actively harming my thought process for the rest of the time that I wasn’t distracting myself. All of this consumption, in the name of doing more and better, was robbing my ability to do just that.
Jun 28, 2011
Creating effective email marketing campaigns
A presentation on creating great email marketing campaigns along with links to other resources.
Aug 10, 2010
Confessions from an accidental spammer
Dec 04, 2009
6 key ways to improve your email communication

Jul 01, 2009
Tooting my own horn - Email marketing presentation
I just recently gave an hour long talk on email marketing titled '6 Questions to Ask Before Sending an Email Campaign.' I thought I’d toot my own horn a bit and post the feedback that I got.
Jun 04, 2009
3 MORE Important Questions to Ask Before Sending Company Email Marketing
On Monday, I posted 3 questions to ask before sending your email campaign. Today, I’m going to finish up this thought with three more questions.
Jun 01, 2009
3 Important Questions to Ask Before Sending an Email Campaign
So you want to send an email campaign. Well, guess what? Everyone else wants to send an email campaign too and that includes spammers, your competition, and others that deign to make your email marketing harder than it already is.
Nov 07, 2008
The Worst Possible Way to Work (or) How to Find a System That Works for You
I’m going to share with you how I work. This method would/will drive certain people nuts. This method is not foolproof but none of them are.
Nov 04, 2008
Spam: what is it? what does it do? why am I sending it? who cares?
I had an interesting conversation with a colleague recently about what constitutes spam email and how we could go about avoiding it.
Sep 30, 2008
W3C Schools (via JCH) Beginner's Course in HTML for Emails
I bring to you the W3C (via JCH) Beginner’s Course in HTML for Emails. A list of classes on the W3C site along with instructions for how to use it.

Sep 16, 2008
How to send HTML emails for free using Mozilla Thunderbird
This is just a quick tip for anyone out there that wants to send a few HTML emails from their desktop and don’t have access to an HTML sending service like MailChimp or something similar.
Sep 11, 2008
HTML emails: the last word (until everything changes again)
Here is everything I know about creating HTML emails. This is the most boring and most useful post I’ve ever created by far.