WordPress 26
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Feb 09, 2024
Goodbye Auth0
My 6 years at Auth0 ... how it all started, what Auth0 meant to me, and why I will proudly wear that shield for as long as the swag holds up.

Dec 31, 2020
Protect your WordPress REST API with OAuth 2 using Auth0
In this post, we are going to add the ability to use Auth0-generated access tokens for WP REST API endpoints that require an account and certain capabilities.

Aug 30, 2020
WordPress Unit Testing Techniques
I've learned a lot about how to avoid common issues and making life writing tests in WordPress a little easier. This post is a collection of ways I've found to accurately and thoroughly test a plugin.

Feb 09, 2020
Taking WordPress to Eleventy
How I converted 12 years of posts in WordPress to an Eleventy static site ... and loved every minute of it.

Jul 10, 2018
Pitfalls of Being a WordPress Developer
Something happens to you as a developer when you start on and stick with a single platform for a long period of time. As you get better and better at that platform, you get further and further away from the rest of the ecosystem.

Oct 09, 2016
Repo: Missed Search Log for WordPress
Concept for a log of search terms with no results on a WordPress site.

Aug 09, 2016
Brewery Site Framework for Craft Beer Branding Gods
In one of those "meant to be" moments, I met the founder and president of the mind-bogglingly talented craft beer agency here in Seattle, Blindtiger. Oceania (Oce for short) invited me down to the office to talk shop and it just clicked.

Jun 11, 2016
Community and eCommerce Site for Massive Minecraft Community
8-month engagement to provide engineering, strategy, code review, pair programming, performance reviews, and security guidance.

Apr 01, 2016
Latest Deals Site Built on Rank It WP
A WordPress child theme gone mad! Built-in click statistics, moderation controls, grabbing text and images from submitted links, and expiring content.

Mar 30, 2016
8ninths Site Rebuild
Just in time for an announcement by Microsoft about their HoloLens project, we launched a complete site rebuild for 8ninths, focusing on their VR and AR capabilities.

Jan 18, 2016
A(nother) WordPress Starter Template
This theme is an extension of a framework created for a local agency that wanted a way to spin up custom WordPress sites quickly and correctly. It grew into the starting point for all sites that I create.

Aug 19, 2015
Semi-eCommerce Site for a Local Composites Distributor
This site was a partial migration from a custom PHP and MySQL application that was in dire need of an update. Collaborating with a talented designer, I built a site housing almost 400 products and dominates search ranking for high-value, niche terms.

Apr 09, 2015
WP-Drudge on Alan.com
Alan Colmes needed a central hub for his news curation and community surrounding his radio show and books. We've been iterating on this site for a few years and finally settled on a very customized version of the WP-Drudge theme I created.

Mar 23, 2015
Become A WordPress Developer Overnight After 4 Months of Work
This is a summary of an email I sent to someone who wants to get into creating custom WordPress themes and plugins. I've been doing this for over 7 years now and would like to think I have something interesting and helpful to say about this.

Jan 12, 2015
A Few Thoughts on WordPress Performance
"WordPress is a server hog" ... "WordPress keeps crashing" ... "You can't run a fast WordPress site" ... I've heard these kinds of statements over and over for years.

Jan 08, 2015
Rank It WP: A Community Curation Theme for WordPress
My latest shipment comes in the form of a premium theme called Rank It WP. The idea, explained in-depth after the jump, is a Product Hunt-type site in WordPress.

Jan 08, 2015
Building a Community Curation Theme: The Making of Rank It WP
I’ve been working on a new theme over the last few months and, now that it’s ready for use, I wanted to walk through how it was built. This is definitely the most technically-involved theme I’ve ever built and I learned a lot (more) about WordPress in the process.

Feb 17, 2014
Redesign, Drupal migration, and WooCommerce to CiviCRM Integration
A massive undertaking: migrate a popular eCommerce site from unsupported versions of Drupal and CiviCRM to WordPress. Challenge accepted!

Apr 03, 2012
My WordPress Developer's Wishlist
I build a lot of WordPress and I use WordPress all day, every day. Here’s what I’d love to see in future WordPress releases.
Feb 24, 2012
Quora: Are CMSs are more awkward than helpful a lot of the time?
It took me a long time (4 years) to get to the point where almost every project I get is built in WordPress and I'll tell you the 3 keys to getting it right, for yourself and with clients.

Jan 14, 2010
Improving Website and WordPress Performance with Hard-Coded Share Buttons
Quickly add hard-coded share links badges to your WordPress or static site.

Sep 30, 2009
New custom WordPress theme and structure at JoshCanHelp
I finally made the time to finish my site’s re-design and re-build. Part of me thought this would be a minor remodel with a new WordPress theme but, in the end, I re-did all of my page content and changed my whole organization.

Sep 01, 2009
Improve WordPress Performance by 36 Percent
I was approached recently by the owner of a popular blog using WordPress. He wanted to know if there was anything he could do to speed up his site. As usual, Josh Can (and did) Help.
Jul 17, 2009
Web strategy links and Resources for July 17th
These are links that I’ve saved on Delicious or sent over Twitter since last Friday that you might find useful.