HomePostsAug 23, 2008

Josh Can Help updates...

I meant to use this blog as a place to update information about my business and maybe some relevant personal stuff but I’m so boring that all I write about is work and coding! I’m a hoot! So, here’s what is going on with Josh Can Help.

Letterpress cards are on their way soon

Thanks to Preston Grubbs for a great deal and awesome customer communication. I’ll be giving him official props on here once my cards show up and he gets his website up. Needless to say, I’m very excited. If you’re interested in cards like mine, I can design them and get them printed for a great price.

Client Success!

One of my recent clients was chosen to appear in a featured artists section the magazine she was advertising in. I created her print ad for the magazine…

Could my ad have had a hand in her success? I’d like to think so but plausible is that she has a great talent with a niche artistic style and her paintings can’t help but to make you smile. Good job Elise Nicole!

HTML emails

I just spent a few days researching and exploring the best practices for sending HTML emails. It’s a bit of a P.I.T.A. but once you know, it makes a bit more sense. Look forward to a big post on this.

On that same note, I was asked to do a live video training on building HTML emails next month. This is very exciting for me because I love training (particularly over the net) and I really wanted to spend some time perfecting my email-creating skills. It’s nice getting paid to do what you like to do!

In the meantime, here are some excellent references:

How To Code HTML Email Newsletters

Sitepoint gives a great break-down of how to create HTML emails that most people can read. It covers the necessary table layout, how to use CSS, best-practices, and information on Gmail (which, surprisingly, doesn’t support very much CSS at all).

HTML Email Tips for Web Designers (gone)

MailChimp (my new favorite little company) has a great blog that shows off interesting email campaigns and shares best practice information. The link above goes to an entry that gives some great tips for people coding emails. Also check out their template library for some free templates (they need a little bit of work, in my opinion but they’re free and work very well for the most part).

Word 2007 HTML and CSS Rendering Capabilities in Outlook 2007

A bit dry but that’s to be expected from MSDN and Support pages from Microsoft. Incredibly useful as well, another characteristic of their pages. If you want to know what will and what won’t fly in Outlook, check this article out. If you stick to this, it would be hard to go wrong in other clients as well.

I’m Older

I got officially got older on Tuesday. No outbursts, drunken debauchery, or mental breakdowns. I think those come next year.

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About JoshCanHelp Design

Aug 28, 2008

One component of Josh Can Help's website philosophy - Understanding

One of the most challenging and interesting parts of what I do is bridging the gap between potentially confusing technology and people who are far removed from how it works.


Aug 19, 2008

Screencasts: recording on-screen training videos

I’ve learned quite a bit about what works and what doesn’t when recording on-screen videos. I want to share a few tips that a colleague and I came up with while making these videos.