Writing + Publishing 8
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Nov 01, 2021
Taking Notes: Why and How
I've been writing for myself regularly for probably 15 years and have tried out many different systems and apps. Recently, I think I finally found the right one.

Sep 08, 2019
Keys to Good Technical Documentation
Summary of the best comments in a Hacker News thread about technical docs.

Oct 18, 2011
Great Content Is Like a Produce Stand in Paris
You're just another blog out there but with a little creativity and some care for the people coming through, you can be just what someone needs at just the right time.

Aug 04, 2009
3 things that help me to write quality content
I am fascinated by how people are able (or unable) to consume the amount of information that is available on so many topics. I am also perpetually interested in improving my own ability at presenting information.
Oct 23, 2008
Good advice to a client about building a blog from the ground up
My honest take on starting a blog from scratch. Do it because you like it and don’t assume you don’t like it because you have no idea what you’re doing.
Jul 21, 2008
Blogging 101: How to Write a Great Blog Post... a Reader's Perspective
By posting a great piece of advice or a guide for someone or your professional insight, you contribute to the incredible equalizing power of the internet.

Jul 14, 2008
Want to self-publish? My review of Lulu.com
I liked Lulu the best from my research and chose them to publish my client’s book. Here are my impressions about the whole writing, publishing, and uploading experience.

Apr 27, 2008
On-Demand and Web Publishing Resources
I'm looking into a low-cost method for getting a book published and available on-line so I thought I would share what I found while combing through the web.