Health + Fitness 7
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Mar 06, 2021
Cards to Live By
A little system I use to remember what's important to focus on during the day.

Jun 11, 2019
Improvement as Experimentation
I've gone through many transformations in my life. I have been lucky a number of times in a way that benefited me. I've also been unlucky a number of times that held me back.

Feb 09, 2015
Progress In January
In keeping with the theme of sharing my journey to eliminate goals, I wanted to share an update on how January went.

Jan 05, 2015
Systematic Goal Elimination
I made a few significant life changes to achieve a set of personal goals that I’ve been chasing for years. I think we call this a “resolution” but I’m hesitant to use that colloquialism. These changes need to stay with me for the rest of my life.
Aug 04, 2009
Tracking your body data to stay motivated
One of the hardest things for me to wrap my head around when I started to lose weight was how to actually do it. When the time came to get down to business and start losing the chub, I was lost before I even started.
Jul 31, 2009
I am an FFK... nice to meet you
FFK stands for Former Fat Kid. If you were fat in a previous life and have certain tendencies that make it tough to maintain weight loss then you’re an FFK.

Jan 07, 2004
Eating: Half of the Equation
Read the title of this and commit it to memory; this is your mantra for losing weight and keeping it off.