Freelancing 9
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Jul 10, 2018
Pitfalls of Being a WordPress Developer
Something happens to you as a developer when you start on and stick with a single platform for a long period of time. As you get better and better at that platform, you get further and further away from the rest of the ecosystem.
Jun 24, 2010
What it means to me to be a free agent
My answers to the 16 questions for people making a living as a free agent.
Feb 02, 2009
Free software and websites that really, really, really help me
The following computer-based implements have become so essential to me that I would pay good money to keep them. They happen, however, to be completely free.
Jan 21, 2009
Advice to a client: don't just have a great idea and act on it – remember the bottom line too

Sep 24, 2008
How to make a Technology Taming Plan
If you like learning how to use things and do it quickly then maybe more time should be spent picking things up, playing with them, and deciding whether or not to use them. If, like most of us, you have limited time and want to simplify your daily life, it’s time to make a Technology Taming Plan.
Jun 13, 2008
Why I freelance (a picture story)

Apr 22, 2008
The 4 Components of a Great First On-Site Visit
I learned a great deal about stress management and face-to-face interactions on my very first on-site call. I came up with 4 important things to think about before your first face-to-face customer interaction.

Apr 15, 2008
Free Excel Invoice Template
I just recently made an invoice for myself and thought I would share it with the world! It’s clean, simple, and easy to use.