Auth0 6
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Feb 09, 2024
Goodbye Auth0
My 6 years at Auth0 ... how it all started, what Auth0 meant to me, and why I will proudly wear that shield for as long as the swag holds up.

Jan 21, 2024
Goodbye Vittorio Bertocci
Vittorio Bertocci passed on October 7th, 2023. He had a major impact on me and I wanted to write a few words in his honor.

Dec 31, 2020
Protect your WordPress REST API with OAuth 2 using Auth0
In this post, we are going to add the ability to use Auth0-generated access tokens for WP REST API endpoints that require an account and certain capabilities.

Oct 28, 2020
Technical Research: Testable Documentation
I've been thinking about documentation quite a bit lately, especially the code-centric type, and how to avoid punishing myself for spending time writing it. Here's the start of my research project to that end.

Aug 30, 2020
WordPress Unit Testing Techniques
I've learned a lot about how to avoid common issues and making life writing tests in WordPress a little easier. This post is a collection of ways I've found to accurately and thoroughly test a plugin.
Apr 04, 2020
A Moment in Time During the Pandemic
The first time things started getting real for me during this Coronavirus pandemic was at the end of February. The pandemic, however, had already started.