For web development folks in Seattle who want to level up on Sass, SCSS, Bourbon, and the like, I’m helping to organize an intermediate-level class sometime in the next couple of months. The teacher is the highly-experienced UI engineer/designer Dale Sande (@anotheruiguy), a great instructor with several years of teaching experience. We dictate the curriculum and you would be hard-pressed to find access to this level of experience for what it costs (see below).
Class will be held at the Maritime Building at 911 Western Ave.
It will be a total of 4 evening classes, and cost around $400 for the whole burrito. If you’re interested, tweet me @joshcanhelp. Limit is probably around 6 or so and we’re halfway there!
Edit: The class has been delayed and no new dates have been scheduled. We’re still absolutely doing this so if you’re interested, get in touch with me. We can split it up or do all at once and you can be a part of the curriculum and date selection.
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Mar 23, 2015
Become A WordPress Developer Overnight After 4 Months of Work
This is a summary of an email I sent to someone who wants to get into creating custom WordPress themes and plugins. I've been doing this for over 7 years now and would like to think I have something interesting and helpful to say about this.